#Memories of murder movie
I'm sure a second and third and fourth viewings will change my mind. Memories of Murder is a 2003 South Korean drama co-written and directed by Bong Joon-ho, based on the then-unsolved serial murders that took place in. Also very interesting, the movie doesnt pretend to break the case. I've given the film an 8 out of 10, even though it probably deserves to be higher, simply because some 12 hours after seeing the film, I'm still pondering what I thought of it, how good is it? At least an 8. Now, seventeen years after its initial release, this cult classic from Oscar winner Bong Joon Ho takes its place as a modern masterpiece. Becker Von 19 wurde die Stadt Hwaseong im ländlichen Südkorea zur Kulisse einer Mordserie, bei der zehn junge Frauen auf brutale Weise vergewaltigt und. On top of all of this is a picture of Korea in 1986, a place with political unrest and civil defense drills that for me at least makes it seem like something out of the 1950's. Watch Memories of Murder Streaming Online Hulu (Free Trial) Three increasingly desperate detectives in 1980s South Korea attempt to decipher the violent mind of a killer. At other times this is a very taut thriller and you become as desperate as the police in needing to put an end to the madness.

At times this is a funny funny movie, especially if you like shows like Law and Order or CSI since what we take for granted in those shows is stood on its head. Its impossible to guess whats going to happen simply because the twists and turns are so unexpected. This is a movie that alters your expectations and changes your view of things. Based on the true story of Koreas first serial killer, Memories of Murder is Bong Joon-hos gripping, masterfully tense second feature. Whether you like police films or not you should see this movie about the real hunt for Korea's first known serial killer simply because its a great movie. Things quickly mushroom with the discovery of more bodies, more suspects and no end in sight.
#Memories of murder series
After two women are found dead in a rural community, a detective arrives from the big city to help out. In 1986 Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, after two women are found raped and murdered, Seoul detective Seo Tae-yoon is brought in to help. South Korea in 1986 under the military dictatorship: Two rural cops and a special detective from the capital investigate a series of brutal.